Earth Day 2021, Ulu ka honua - together we must transform Hawaiiʻs food insecurity into a multigenerational food system, one ulu tree at a time. By creating thousands of new food producers across the Hawaiian islands, we establish an indigenous starch based food secure network for future generations. The ulu, also known breadfruit, is one of the pacific super starches, in 3-7 years each tree can produce up to 1,000 pounds of local gluten free super starch. Ulu is an excellent source of nutrition and its uses as a food base are endless. Our partners have 20,000 ulu tree, tissue culture maʻafala available at this time.
This is an important year to become farmer minded. All of our partners are farmers or support farmers. Your donation of $25 per tree is part of a big win/win for your local community and for future generations, the best investment of 2021! Our goal is to see ulu trees in every community, one neighbor at at time. Don’t just get one tree, get a tree for your neighbors, your friends and your family.
Lets all grow together and share that experience through social media. #ulukahonua #ulusuperstarch #2021yearofthefarmer will be used to keep us all inspired and connect so we can learn from each other how to grow ulu groves.
Feed the future, plant ulu. You can participate in Earth Day 2021, Ulu ka honua are by planting a ulu tree or grove and/or sponsoring a ulu tree or grove. This is an official call out to transform public and vacant land into sustainable food forests.
Every island is participating and you can find a partner close by who is an ulu pick up location or an Earth Day 2021, Ulu ka honua grove planting site.
Single ulu tree $25
Ulu grove (40 trees) $1000 donation
O’ahu - Hui Aloha Aina Momona
A local non-profit located on the windward side of O’ahu. They’ve been dedicated to the food sovereignty movement since legalizing Pa’i’ai.
Hawaii Island
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